Make an impact for our common future

The Sustainable Development Goals take us to economies that serve people while preserving the planet. Governments steer economies as a whole. But millions of individual actions count too. Act for a better economy next time you make a purchase, cast a vote or even perform a household task.

Most people work in the private sector, for firms large and small. Employers are where decent labour practices begin, like paying men and women equally, or providing adequate paid leave.

Think about the businesses you patronize. If you can, speak with people who work there – or check for websites where employees rate employers. Ask if businesses have made a public commitment to fair labour standards – and acted on it. Buy goods and services from those that can demonstrate decent treatment.

Know where goods come from and how they are produced, and make buying choices accordingly. Different forms of fair-trade certification help guarantee that production happens without exploiting workers or destroying the environment. Through fair trade, you can help send resources to people in poorer countries, lending support to a more inclusive global economy.