Caring for the Greatest Stage of Life With Child Labor Mexico

Childhood is the stage in which every child must enjoy, learn, and grow. However, the reality that is experienced in Latin America and other parts of the world tells a different story.

At CHULATULUM, we are aware, empathic, and seek awareness on child labor. It is necessary to understand the situations to which infants are exposed. In legal matters, working conditions, regulation, and salary. A child will not have to have any contact with these terms.

Child labor eliminates what makes them children: innocence, dignity, and happiness.

There are many reasons why at CHULATULUM we advocate happy infances and decide to not employ minors. The main reason is because it is not ethical. The consequences for infants are catastrophic from their mental development to their relationship with all around them.

In the last four years alone, the number of children working in the 46 countries of Latin America has increased by 8.4 million, totaling 160 million worldwide. This is due to high poverty rates and situations that force children to contribute economically to households.

It is a reality that the pandemic has increased the threat of employed children because of this our goal is to contribute to change the landscape and have a better experience of life.

How does CHULATULUM Tulum care for its Human Capital?

We choose to include online selling as it allows us to continue generating revenue, to be closer to customers, and to have our partners spend quality time with families. A good childhood starts from home. We know this and are constantly looking for new ways of closeness, taking care of all the factors involved in the manufacture of a CHULATULUM bag.

Ensuring the Right to Live

From the beginning of CHULATULUM we had clear objectives, one of which is to foster a dignified life for children around the world. In none of our stores will you see a minor working, even on a small task. We achieve a circuit that allows families to have better interaction and income.

We employ women who are heads of families, ensuring the well-being of the collaborators and ensuring the best quality of life for them and for their homes.

We understand that saving lives goes beyond a certification or an establishment. It is, rather, human actions. Guidelines that reflect part of our philosophy towards the public.

While there are several issues that escape our hands, such as education, migration, and medical services, we are sure that we put in our part, mitigating the risk for all children.

Our Priority is You

We must understand that child labor is a problem of neglect, in the first instance, family. In Mexico and other countries, most parents only allow children to study in their free time; otherwise, education would not be an option.

Industrial agriculture, pornography and the textile industry are the most affected. This is where CHULATULUM Tulum comes in. When you purchase A CHULATULUM product, you are guaranteed to have in your hands an article, made with love along with environmental and social consciousness.

Our materials are made from natural fibers, which reaffirm our idea of slow fashion. You can see that everything is connected and works for the good of the community.

With CHULATULUM you can be certain that you’re buying a pleasant, conscious and sustainable product for all women who love to be in fashion and who seek congruence between their way of life and what they consume. Our collection of bags always look beautiful and proud.