5 Key Points to Buying a Good Handbag

Buying a new handbag can sometimes be an easy process. Other times, it can be an indecisive process. We always know the reason why we are buying a new handbag which helps but we don’t always know which handbag we want, which doesn’t help.

When it comes to buying a new handbag, we have all a purpose as to why we’re looking for a new one. Maybe it’s that we need one for a special occasion coming up, possibly we’re looking for a handbag that fits every occasion that we can rock everyday, or it’s the simple fact that we need a new one because the one we have is getting old. No matter what your reason is for wanting to buy a new handbag, we want to share five key points that you always want to take into account when buying a handbag to ensure it’s the best fit for you. 

  • The first key point is what material handbag are you looking for? If you need an everyday handbag, you may want to go for a leather, cordura, or neoprene as these materials are more durable and will survive in any condition. If it’s for a special occasion, you have the flexibility to consider bags made of materials such as cotton, straw, denim, nylon, and mesh. This is an important key point because it will make sure your bag material is the best to suit the condition you put it in.
  • The second key point is what color handbag are you looking for? Think of the kind of outfits you want to wear the bag with. If it’s a special occasion and you already have chosen your outfit, you may want to pick something that best fits it. If you don’t already have your outfit picked out or if it’s for everyday use, you may want to pick a neutral color that will match everyday. This is an important key point because it will make sure your outfit matches your handbag and you stand out from the crowd. 
  • The third key point is what size handbag are you looking for? Think of the purpose of the handbag. If it’s for a party or gathering, maybe a smaller bag that you can keep by your side will be best. If it’s for everyday use while you’re away from home and you plan on bringing your lunch, laptop, or reusable water bottle, you may want to consider a bigger handbag. This is an important key point because it will make sure all of your items fit in your handbag no matter where you’re headed. 
  • The fourth key point is what do you plan on carrying it for? Think of all the items you want to put in the handbag. If it’s for a special occasion, think of what items you will need for that occasion. If it’s for everyday wear, think of what you carry in your bag everyday. This is an important key point because you want to make sure your bag is a perfect fit for what you want to use it for so if one of your items were to accidentally spill in the bag, would it damage your handbag
  • The fifth and final key point is what do you plan on wearing it for? Think of where you want to head out in your new handbag. If it’s to evening events, think of what types of events you like to attend whether it’s casual or more elegant? If it’s to outdoor events, think will you be in nature, under the sun, or dealing with rain? This is an important key point because it will allow you to choose a handbag that can handle and survive the kind of indoor or outdoor condition you plan on wearing it for.

We understand that sometimes buying a handbag can make you more indecisive than deciding what you want to eat for lunch today. At CHULA, we have a variety of handbags that will make the perfect fit for no matter what occasion you have coming up, however, our mission is to make sure you walk out with the handbag that best suits your needs. With this guide to five key points to buying a good handbag, you won’t have any purchase regrets. 

Which key point was your favorite? Share with us in the comments!